Sunday, January 1, 2012

Blessed New Year

2011 was full of many blessings! First we got 50% custody of our daughter, Makayla. Then our beautiful Max was born, albeit in less than ideal circumstances. But, I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason. That even the greatest moments of sorrow, have blessings hidden within them. I know I have personally grown with all that I have experienced with Max. For starters, my marriage has not only proven its strength in all of this, but has grown stronger. I take great comfort in this. Family crisis can tear a marriage apart, but not ours, I know we can face anything together. Secondly, my faith has grown stronger. I was able to witness miracles first hand. It is such an amazing feeling to pray, and then watch that prayer be answered. Prayer got me through this year, and prayer will lead me into next year. Lastly I think I have grown as a human being through all of this. I am a better person because of this year. Obviously I wish Max would have been born healthy, but he wasn't, I can't do anything about that, so why not learn from my experiences? I think I have done so thus far, and still have a lot of learning to do in my future.

My other baby boy, Gunner, turned 2 this year. What a fun age! I know they are called the "terrible twos", and trust me I see a ton of the "terrible", but this age is so much fun! He has got to be the funniest kid I know! He learns so much every single day, it is just amazing! I know all moms think their kid is a genius, but in my case I really think it is true :o). He is just an amazing little boy...who has recently become more of a momma's boy (yay me!).

We also got a boxer puppy this year, Lola. WE got her just before Max was born, thinking I would be home to train her for 6 weeks. That obviously didn't happen. We didn't know how she would turn out, and were trying to find anyway to get her what she needed in life and still be able to keep her. We found that in Doggy Daycare. Unfortunately our facility no longer offers the daycare, but it was nice while it lasted. Even with less of the training that we wanted to give her, she has turned into a wonderful dog...still a long way to go, but definitely getting there! She is good with the kids, gets a little excited and has to be restrained at times, but always friendly. She's so sweet she lets Gunner take her food bowl aways from her and then feed her individual kibbles. I mean how many dog's would stand for that? Much to Doug's dismay she has started sleeping in bed with us, right in the middle and sometimes under the covers :o)

Professionally, I finally have a supervisor that knows what she is doing! I once again love my job!

So needless to say, I have high hopes for 2012. First and foremost I pray that God will heal Max's brain and restore health to him. And I ask for all of those that are willing to please keep Max, as well as his friends from the ICN, in your prayers. I can't wait to watch Gunner and Makayla as they continue to grow. I look forward to spending another year married to my best friend. And I hope that I am able to grow and thrive in my job.

I don't usually make New Years Resolutions, but this year I am going to make three. #1 I want to get my house and life more organized. #2 I want to help spread my faith...not by bible thumping or anything like that, I personally feel that forces people away from God, but by finding a way to share my experiences to those that WANT to hear. #3 get Max closer to health.

OK, I'm done. Love to all and HAPPY NEW YEAR may 2012 be the best year yet!