Friday, March 22, 2013

Mighty Max Has Turned 2!!!

People always say "having a child will change your life". While I always believed this to be true, I had my doubts about just how much it would change with the addition of our third child. I figured the big changes would be with the first two. After that, there's not much you haven't experienced. Well; as usual, I was proven wrong. Two years ago today our lives changed more than we ever could have imagined. Two years ago today, Mighty Max was born. While reflecting on the past two years I can't help but notice how far we have come and how much we have grown. For instance, I always thought Kerri and I had a very strong relationship prior to Max being born, but it has grown tremendously since. We are best friends and spend almost all of our time together. There was one element missing though that completed us and I had no idea the impact it would have. We started praying together. It seems pretty obvious now. Kerri is so much stronger than me and wears her mask very well. I can remember thinking "how can she be so calm? Isn't she scared?". It was while praying that I felt I could remove my mask and be honest with just how scared I was. I saw Kerri do the same. We kept hearing that traumatic events like we experienced has one of two effects on a couple's relationship. They either grow closer together or fall completely apart. I am proud to say we have grown closer together. I have gained a new perspective on life as well. I can remember asking "why him? why us? what have we done to deserve this?". I eventually stopped asking these questions and now know that God has a plan for Max and he is going to do great things. Everything happens for a reason, but we may not ever understand it. It took a little bit, but eventually I started to understand that the reasons were already piling up. Max has touched so many lives and has inspired them to be better people. He has brought us closer to our family and friends. For me personally, he is my therapy. All the stress from a rough day at work melts away with one smile from him. When things get overwhelming, I remind myself of just how blessed we are. Max has proven the doctors wrong and he is thriving at home with us. We have an amazing support group consisting of friends, family, his therapists, and especially our babysitter Angie. Max loves it there and she does such an amazing job with him. Her coming into our lives was truly a "no accident". Max is laying next to me as I type this up. Each time I look at him, he is watching me and smiling as if to say "if you think the past two years were impressive, wait till you see what I have in store for the next two." I can't wait! Happy Birthday Mighty Max!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this! I think of you guys often and am always wondering how you all are doing. From another medical family know that we still think of you often and still pray each night for Might Max!!! Go Max go! You are one amazing little guy :)
