Friday, September 30, 2011

way past due

I've had requests for an update, sorry it has taken so long. Max has been home for a little over a month and doing great! He is still having his spells, but he is having them less frequently and they seem less severe. All of his doctors, thus far, have commented that he is doing better than he expected...we aren't sure how to take that :o).

We were able to get Max's 6 month pictures done by the FABULOUS Rebecca Peters. Keep an eye out on her blog for the pictures, She took some with Gunner, Doug, and I as well. We unfortunately didn't have Makayla with us during the pics, but we'll get family pictures later.

Max is still growing like crazy. They have limited his caloric intake. They don't want him gaining too much weight since his muscle development is behind. Hopefully they will be able to get his physical therapy and occupational therapy started soon!

He's going to daycare now. WE were a little concerned about him attending daycare instead of staying home with a nurse. Not because we didn't trust out babysitter, Angie, but because we weren't sure how he would react to the commotion of the other kids. He's doing great! He seems to love it there! All the kids love him. He watches them and shows interest in what they are playing, so ultimately I think it is a blessing that we didn't qualify for nursing care!

Gunner and Makayla are doing well with Max as well. Makayla is super nurturing, always has been. She is great with both him and Gunner. Gunner is very loving with Max, but having jealousy issues. He is gentle and sweet to Max, but has started refusing to sleep. We have to rock him until he is completely asleep, and then he usually climbs into bed with Doug and I at some point throughout the night. Any suggestions would be welcome! Right now we are trying bribery...if he sleeps throughout the night in his own bed, he gets candy in the morning. It doesn't work usually.

Makayla is on the gymnastics team. She really seems to enjoy it. I can't wait to go to her first meet. She is in pre-school and loves it. Gunner is also taking tumbling, but doesn't love it quite as much as his sister :o)

I guess that is our major update! God Bless to all!

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